Comprehensive Underwater Intervention Information System (CUIIS) Project Kick-off meeting

The official Comprehensive Underwater Intervention Information System (CUIIS) Project kick-off meeting took place on 11th January 2022 at "Professor Tsvetan Lazarov" Defence Institute, Sofia, Bulgaria. The project is funded by the European Defence Industrial Development Programme (EDIDP).

The kick-off meeting was both physically and virtually attended by the project officers from the European Commission (DG DEFIS) and the members of the international consortium representing 18 different organizations from 7 EU countries (Bulgaria, Denmark, Finland, France, Italy, Poland, and Romania). The CUIIS project consortium consists of representatives of the industry, both SMEs and MIDCAPS, and the military and civil academia (research agencies, institutes and universities).

The purpose of the meeting was to acquaint all participants with the goals and methodology of work in the interest of effective collaboration, to present the obligations from the Grant Agreement with the European Commission, to detail the WP and activities roadmap for the first period of the project, to discuss the project organization, project management and decision making, to set up project procedures and common tools and to identify future workflow activities.
